We’ve added a new afternoon Feldenkrais class on Wednesdays, as the Tuesday class is now full. Plus, our brand new Thursday morning “Elements” Mums’n’Bubs class: a gentle exercise class with elements of resistance training, Feldenkrais, and Pilates mat. Check our
The Brain’s Way of Healing – special.
Buy this book from Stoneman’s BookRoom in Castlemaine and you’ll find a gift voucher in it for a free Awareness Through Movement class! The book explores the Feldenkrais Method over two chapters – it’s a great introduction to some of
Timetable change!
Evening Awareness Through Movement classes (group classes in the Feldenkrais Method) have moved to Tuesdays at 5.45pm. Please make sure you book in advance! (check our timetable page for details)
Feldenkrais in Kyneton?
There’s the possibility for group classes in Kyneton – details to be confirmed but most likely on Fridays, early afternoons. If you’re interested please let us know via the Contact page. Places will be limited, so don’t be shy!
Classes for 2015.
Feldenkrais Method Awareness Through Movement classes at Castlemaine Movement Centre restart on Wednesday 4th February. Check our timetable page for details – don’t forget to book your place! Last year the Thursday class filled very quickly.
October Dates for High Heels!
Clear your calendar! Saturday, October 18, 2.00pm to 5.00pm Thursday, October 23, 2.00pm to 5.00pm email miranda@acturelab.com to book
High Heels workshops in October
November. Spring. Racing. Carnival. Yep, it’s high heel wearing time again. The acturelab’s annual High Heel wearing workshops are on again…October dates and details soon…
August Timetable changes!
New timetable in August… some changes coming in September too so keep an eye out!
National Pain Week – Castlemaine Feldenkrais
Next week, all over Australia, there are events to highlight awareness of chronic pain and support those suffering from chronic pain. This fantastic week is an initiative of Chronic Pain Australia and you can find events listed on the National
Feldenkrais for Osteoarthritis
Here’s a link to a recent article in Massage Magazine, summarising recent Australian research into the efficacy of the Feldenkrais Method in helping individuals with osteoarthritis. http://www.massagemag.com/feldenkrais-method-helps-improve-osteoarthritis-24889/ Or you could click here.